Honey Waxcap

Hygrocybe reidii

7th October 2019, Brockwell Park
Growing through grass. Troop of several. Cap 1.5-3cm, stem up to 4cm. Faint smell, pleasant. Tough stem. Honey waxcap is often more orangey but can also be yellow, but this might easily be one of the other yellowish waxcaps. ID is guess. Sporeprint White. Spores 7-9µ x 5-6.5µ.

14th November 2014, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing amongst moss/grass. Small troop and scattered. Cap 3-5cm, but one much bigger. Smell faint mushroom pleasant. Stem has distinct (but slight) colour division about halfway along. Id could be wrong as one specimen was too big. But don't think they were Meadow Waxcaps. ID is best guess. Sporeprint white. Spores 5-7µ x 4-5.5µ.
